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NBC LEX18 Logo
Push for mobile voting ignited in wake of Hurricane Ian
NY Daily News Logo
Why America can’t get more gun-safety progress
Bradley Tusk: The Only Way
Mobile voting booster Bradley Tusk to spend another $10 million to build new system
The Push For Internet Voting Continues, Mostly Thanks To One Guy
Voting by mail for Election 2020? How about by smartphone instead?
Why You Can’t Just Vote on Your Phone During the Pandemic
There’s A New Push To Let D.C. Voters Cast Ballots From Their Phones
It’s coming: Mobile voting expands, state by state
UChicago News Logo
West Virginia was the first state to use mobile voting. Should others follow?
Vox Logo
Bradley Tusk, a political ‘fixer’ for tech companies, has a plan to make voting from your phone a reality
Can Kitties, Weed, and Votes Save Blockchain?
ABC News Logo
A tech investor brought cell phone voting to West Virginia, igniting debate about access and security
Observer Logo
The Best Argument for Mobile Voting? Abysmal Primary Turnouts.
Harvard Business Review Logo
Can Entrepreneurs Make Mobile Voting Easy and Secure?
The Campaign for Mobile-Phone Voting Is Getting a Midterm Test
This Week In Startups Logo
Ohio sues FB + Bradley Tusk “The Fixer,” Uber, startups navigating politics, mobile voting | E1327