How Mobile Voting Works
Mobile voting works like a digital version of paper absentee voting. Instead of receiving a ballot by mail, eligible voters can access their ballot through a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Receiving your Ballot
Just as you do when you vote in person, you must provide some identifying information, such as your name, date of birth, and ID number. That information is matched to your registration record to determine your eligibility to vote in the election and retrieve your digital ballot.
Marking your Ballot
You can then mark your ballot on your device. For voters with disabilities, you can use your own assistive technology to read and mark your ballot. When finished voting, you must follow other requirements for mail or absentee voting, including signing an affidavit attesting to your identity and providing a photo of an acceptable ID, where required.
Returning your Ballot
You will have the option to return your ballot packet either physically by printing it at home or digitally from your device. With digital ballot return, the ballot packet is encrypted and transmitted to a digital ballot box where it is stored under double seal until it is time to print the ballot for tabulation. All digital ballots will be printed onto paper ballots and are scanned and tabulated with all other absentee ballots cast in the election.

Mobile voting allows West Virginia to eliminate barriers and allow more of our citizens to participate in our democracy.
West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner
Caroline is an overseas voter who is living abroad in Portugal.
“I felt really confident in the system and felt really happy to have that access and would definitely do it again.”