Our Statement on Klobuchar-Capito Amendment to S. 1
We are encouraged by the bipartisan adoption of the Klobuchar-Capito Amendment by the Senate Rules Committee today that protects voting access for millions of voters who face inherent barriers to the ballot.
The Senate Rules Committee unanimously adopted an amendment offered by Senators Klobuchar and Capito to the ‘‘For the People Act of 2021’’ (S. 1) that protects electronic ballot return options available in 31 states for military and overseas voters, voters with disabilities and voters in emergencies.
The original language in H.R. 1/S. 1 would have removed electronic ballot return as an option for those voters, halting the incredible progress that has been made over the past few years to make elections more resilient and accessible. Without the option for electronic return, millions of voters would have been disenfranchised. Late arriving ballots are the number one reason military and overseas votes are tossed, and electronic return is the only way to ensure all voters, regardless of ability, can vote independently and privately, whether in person or at home as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Help America Vote Act.
The “For the People Act” presents a historic opportunity for this country to expand the ease and accessibility of voting. We thank Senator Klobuchar, Senator Capito, and the Senate Rules Committee for amending the bill to include the necessary language that will ensure equal access to the ballot for all Americans – not just those who are able to access and mark a paper ballot.